
Aadhyathmik Madurai Meenakshi Copper Coin For Marriage 1inch 5 grams – A3046-01




  • Meenakshi blesses the unmarried girls with beauty and attractive appearance.
  • This puja blesses the girls with a suitable and worthy life partner.
  • It provides energy to the worshippers for succeeding in their goals and dreams.
  • It relieves the worshippers from all kinds of mental as well as physical pains.
  • It provides protection against any problems.
  • It showers their devotees with infinite success and prosperity.
  • Married couples will enjoy marital bliss.
  • It also helps in the protection of children against any adversities that might come in their way.
  • Childless couples will be blessed with a child and their life will become complete.
  • Unmarried girls will be benefitted. They will be able to find suitable grooms for marriage.
  • People who praise Meenakshi  will bring in auspiciousness in their life and household.
  • You will seek the blessings of Goddess Meenakshi for overall well being and prosperity.
  • It increases one’s health, wealth and happiness.